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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  July 17, 2022 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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mike: president biden now back from his trip to the middle east and controversial meeting with crown prince mohammad bin salman, mr. biden told reporters that he confronted mbs and held the crown prince responsible for his death but saudi diplomats are disputing that claim. we will have more from fox's second interview with critical foreign minister shortly. welcome to fox news live i'm mike emanuel. here in the nation's capitol the president' future of build back
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better back in question as democratic joe manchin deals a crushing blow to newest proposal. fox team coverage. let's start off with aishah live with the latest from the white house, hi, aishah. aishah: good afternoon to you, the president returned late last night to growing frustration among americans and members of his own party on a wide variety of issues. let's start with the build back better agenda now on ice thanks to joe manchin, west virginia senator tanked any hopes for climate or energy funding in august at least blaming rising inflation. progressives are angry over this but manchin is willing to pass a smaller package to lower prescription drug costs and extend healthcare subsidies. the president vowing telling the senate to take manchin's deal and lever climate and energy to him in executive orders. meantime new fox news polling
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shows biden's approval rating at dismal 30%, 31% approving of job on the economy and 25% on inflation. this as the price of groceries, household items, airfare, just about everything significantly up from just a year ago. republicans say the midterms will be all about the pocketbook. >> take florida as an example, cost of living in florida is up $770 a month, a month. inflation in florida is up almost 14% since joe biden got elected. that's the issue that people are going to focus on. aishah: the president fending off criticism with the fist bump with mohammad bin salman who u.s. intelligence holds responsible for the murder of journalist jamal khashoggi. this as the saudis announced the kingdom cannot produce much more oil than they already are while throwing water on the
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administration's claim that it is normalizing relations with israel after the saudis opened up their air space to fly in and out of israel and, mike, we are not expecting any movements today, any public experiences at least from the president. mike: aishah, many thanks. fox news sat down with leading saudi on the killing of journalist jamal khashoggi. let's go to alex hogan live with more. hey, alex. alex: during our time here i was invited twice to sit down with the minister of state for foreign affairs minister praised reform here in saudi arabia including new rights given to women across the country but adel al-jubeir and one topic was a different take with biden's
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comments to saudi prince mohammad bin salman about jamal khashoggi and the stance of the u.s. residents and journalists. >> biden spoke to crown prince tolding him directly responsible, how did he respond to those comments? >> i didn't hear that particular phrase. the president mentioned that the u.s. is committed to human rights and he also was clear that he was sometimes -- to the ideals that it set out but we are all humans. alex: biden arrived back at the white house last night taking questions from journalists. the first being about our interview. when asked whether the minister was telling the truth biden answered, no. he also faced about greeting with crown prince. >> do you expect a fist bump?
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>> why don't you talk about something that matters. alex: biden again did just arrive back in the u.s. after these two days here in saudi arabia. the commander in chief two days in jetta smoothing relationship between the u.s. and energy-rich nation and u.s. officials are also having meetings at a time when there's increase concern about russia and china's growing influence here of the region, mike. mike: alex hogan live in saudi arabia, alex, thanks very much. let's bring in today's panel kristin hahn democratic strategist and david ovela, welcome to both of you. >> thank you. mike: let's start with relationship. only 32% approval, kristin, does
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this trip help the president change that at all? >> i mean, i think it's always, you know, diplomatic relations are difficult and polling, i think, you know, it doesn't always reflect exactly where the american people are. i think that it's a difficult relationship. they do not agree with the saudi government but also we have to have a relationship with them for a number of different reasons, for security, for our own security and security in the region. so, i think, we will see if this -- this trip makes a change at all. mike: president biden on energy policy, 38% approve, 57% disapprove, david, how do you read these numbers? >> until the president is able to help get prices down on the energy sector and get the economy moving forward, everything is going to be upside down for him which as you look at recent fox news polls on the
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generic ballot, senator joe manchin is the only thing keeping congressional college contracts from being below 40% as he continues to say that he's not going to allow the extreme environmental policies that are cooked in to build back better fast. it is why -- it is those types of policies as to why you have a democratic coalition that elected biden fall apart whether that be hispanic voters or just likely to vote republican as democrat, whether it'd be be independents which are favoring republicans by double digits. we are at a point now where 20-seat pickup in the house becomes the floor, not the ceiling for house republicans this november. mike: all right, to inflation from the fox poll, your families had to cut back to afford necessities 70%, a lot or some, up from 67% in march, how difficult is that number, kristin? >> i mean, i think it's really difficult. i would say, you know, as
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somebody who has worked on a number of races in tough districts over the past 20 years, people vote with what impacts them, what's in their heart, whether that's health care and right now people are hurting and whether that's the president's fault or not or your elected official in your district or not, you know, people will go vote, so it's going to be tough and it's going to be a hard thick for democrats head intoed the midterms. i think, you know, early on people really acknowledging inflation. there's, you know, only so much that the president himself can do but, of course, it's going to impact, you know, the midterm elections. mike: okay, one more poll to show about inflation, has inflation caused you financial hardship over the last six months, 75% yes, up from 67% in december. david, what's the political impact? >> political impact is republicans have a wonderful opportunity to make a very big majority come out of this
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november election because as we were just discussing independents are more favorable by double digits to republicans. hispanics are just as likely to vote republican as they are democrat. it allows us to put a big coalition together to put an end to these disastrous policies of the biden administration and set us up for 2024. mike: top issues in the fox poll according to people surveyed. 92% inflation, higher prices, higher crime rate, 85%, future of u.s. democracy, 83%. there it is. gun laws 78%, abortion policy 70%. kristin, are you surprised abortion isn't higher? >> no, i'm seeing the same thing coming from internal polls we are doing in some of the swing districts and -- and, you know, red or blue states. the issue with abortion isn't i think in the midterms but something that's personal to people, it's personal to me,
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it's personal to people back home in texas, so i think anybody who is not looking at this issue and thinking that there's going to be long-term sustained coalition and support of women of reproductive right that is will impact in the future. mike: all right, david, looking at the top three, higher crime rates and the future of u.s. democracy, what do you make of the numbers? >> all of the polls yous put in mace by president biden or democrats. look at the crime numbers. you have prosecuting attorney who is won't prosecute laws who won't put people in jail who commit crimes that allow the crime rates to go through the roof. that's why we have that as the number 2 issue. we've already talked about the biden's build back better policies and other economic policies have inflation through the roof and why we are where we are, so none of this is particularly surprising but the key is to republicans to lay out a vision to show the direction that we are going to go that's
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different where biden and the democrats have gotten out. mike: exactly, you to lay out a vision of where you will lead the country and not just play off what the president is doing. fascinating discussion. david avila, kristin hahn, enjoy your sunday. >> thank you. mike: shannon bream is anchoring fox news sunday and have committee chairman rick scott and white house town of economic advisers member jared bernstein, fascinating show. that's coming up next hour. stay with us. a texas house committee is expected to release a preliminary report this afternoon with details from the investigation into the robb elementary school massacre in uvalde on may 24th, fox news senior correspondent casey casey stegiel.
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>> state law members that were tasked and the meeting began more than an hour from now. 2:30 eastern time with news conference to follow. although it was already released this week by the austin american statesmen newspapers and kuvtv the chilling surveillance video will be shown today with certain things redacted like sounds of gunfire and will release preliminary findings of what went wrong that day. the feelings here are very mixed this past week over whether the media should have published the video ahead of today before families have the chance to see it while others have called it necessary although it is difficult to see. >> maybe the parents should have seen it first but i don't see many people objecting to it. look at all the views it has. it has so many views. that means people want to see
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it. >> 19 children and two teachers died in the may 24th attack and many can't help but wonder if more lives could have been saved had police not waited so long to take action, an hour and 17 minutes according to the video from the time the gunman first entered the school until the classroom was breached and the suspect was killed. mike. mike: casey steigel live in uvalde, texas, casey, thank you so much. we will have a live report from eagle pass, texas, that's next. sa♪ ♪ ♪
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venezuela and some of them seem like they are very tired and faces are hot from the sun, 92 degrees with high level of humidity, of course, it's southern texas. we watched as the state trooper gave instructions to the migrants in spanish telling them that they'll be processed. you'll see the migrants are being placed in the shade by law enforcement here. they are going to be given water, some of them look like they desperately need water. there are men, women, very young children, babies, mothers carrying infants across the rio grande. the state trooper when she told the group they were going to get water, some of them shouted back water, water. agents say a drug-sniffing drug discovered cocaine hidden in tractor trailer, shipment of air-conditioning parts from mexico. cocaine busts are up 25% in june
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compared to may. we are being asked to stand back a little bit as the migrants are being processed. men, women and children, some people who are now getting their hands on some water, mike, it looks like they very much need it. yesterday upon arrival, we saw large group of migrants, hundreds and hundreds of migrants that were processed and so far this morning, this afternoon, 12:15 and steady stream of migrants into the united states at the southern border, mike. mike: matt, i'm wondering how you assess the spirits of the men and women on the front lines who are dealing with the humanitarian crisis in the southern border and it's been going on for months and months with no end in sight, i just wonder how they are holding up. >> you know, right now the law enforcement here, the troopers that we see they are being professional and diligent and we asked how they gave instructions in spanish to this group. the law enforcement has smiles on their faces. as we know, we have been reporting for well over a year now on the border that law
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enforcement is worn out. they do feel like this is, removing from other daily responsibilities in texas and some of the migrants have smiles on their faces, they were interacting with me telling me where they are from and others look like they are about to pass out and as we see so often many people have long pants on, long jackets to protect themselves from the brush. some people are dressed like in the middle of the spring preparing for a chilly day, mike. mike: live on the ground in eagle pass, texas, matt, thanks a lot. for more on this i'm joined by former acting homeland security secretary chad wolf. chad, welcome. chad: thanks for having me. mike: so you saw that very real human crisis unfolding there on the ground on eagle pass, texas, i'm sure the scene plays time and time again throughout the days, your reaction to the live events we were just witnessing
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chad: it's unfortunate. we see the numbers come out in the couple of days and the numbers for june really tell the story. we are at the sixth month within the biden administration of illegal apprehensions over 200,000, six months over 200,000. you have to go back all the way to march -- of year 2000 to find a month over 200,000 and that was one month back almost 21 years ago and yet we have 5 months or six months during this administration. so, look, the border patrol, those agents and officers while they are professional and continue to do their job, they are at their wits end, they don't know what to do. this crisis is 17 months for all they know they have another two years of this. the biden administration needs to secure that border, they need to put effective policies in place or you will continue to see images like this week after week and month after month and the situation is not getting better at the border. it's getting worse and usually during the month of june, july
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and august historically you see apprehension numbers drop because of the heat because of the situation there. we continue to see the numbers increase because of the policies of this administration. folks are smiling when they come in because they know what the vast majority of the world knows which is if you cross that border in all likelihood you will remain here in the united states for years to come while your immigration court proceedings, you're undergoing those. mike: chad, you made reference to numbers. let's put up on the screen the number of encounters so far this fiscal year. 1.746119 up from 1.486 last year. we still have two and a half months for this wear. how staggering are those numbers? chad: they are indictment of the biden administration's policies. look, we have 3 months to go in this fiscal year and we have
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eclipsed last year's numbers and it's important to remember last year's numbers were historic numbers. we've never seen those in the history of our country and we are already beating last year numbers and we have 2 and a half, 3 months left in this fiscal year so you are going to see the numbers well over 2 million or more and, again, it's an indictment of the policies of this administration. they are not doing what they need to be doing to deter this type of illegal behavior and hold individuals accountable. they know there's an immense amount of fraud in the asylum system and they are not doing anything about it instead allowing individuals to come in and to go into cities and communities around this country. they'll likely never show up in their immigration proceedings and this administration does not allow ice to actually locate
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these -- >> mike: fentanyl which is extremely lethal and cocaine which matt finn made reference to and there's the terror database. 56 so far from the terrorist screening database so far. 6 in june alone, 30 in the previous four years combined. how alarming is that? chad: well, that's extremely alarming, these are the 56 individual that is happened to run into a border patrol appreh. you have to think of the hundreds of thousands of what we call got away, individuals that crossed the border and are never apprehended and never come in contact with law enforcement agent. vast majority of border patrol agents are not doing security
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mission instead processing all of the individuals that you're showing on the screen. they are simply processing those individuals, instead they need to be actually looking for the bad people who are smuggling obviously individuals over but also these illegal narcotics, they need to be apprehending individuals and not simply processing hundreds and hundreds of thousands of individuals every day that are claiming asylum but we know they are economic migrant at the end of the day. mike: thank you so much for your time and your analysis. ♪ ♪ ♪ mike: russian military is battering mikoliav and surrounding areas with missile strikes in hoping of taking control of southern ukraine. hello, trey. trey: mike, good afternoon, today more russian missiles struck the ukraine city of mikoliah and no casualties reported but the local mayor
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says ten explosions near the southern port area. the attack occurred between russian hit and southern odesa targeted saturday and the russian claim they hit store of missiles and russian forces continue to hammer the territory in their effort to take more of the black seacoastline. although the troops like ukrainian are suffering heavy losses in ongoing battle. chief of armed forces said this weekend that 50,000 russian troops have been killed or injured since the invasion began in late february. in addition, an estimated 1700 russian tanks and 4,000 fighting vehicles have been destroyed so far. despite these losses, russia's defense minister ordered troops on saturday so intensify as ukrainians look to defend eastern and southern parts of the country. >> this is russia as a challenge to the world order. russia is failing in all of those ambitions. russia is a more diminished nation than it was at the
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beginning of february and that's what ukraine your seeing. trey: russian took place had been taking operational pause and the break appears to be over right now, mike. mike: trey yingst months in ukraine covering the war. trey, thanks a lot. americans waiting relief from sky-high inflation as interest rate hike could be on the horizon. more on that next. ♪ ♪ ♪
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mike: critics are slamming secretary pete buttigieg for telling americans to switch to electric cars amid sky high gas line prices. hi, alex. alex: he encourages americans to see a potential cost benefit here, the problem is that electric cars still fall very much in luxury class and average cost of new one over $66,000 according to kelly brook
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estimates and secretary pete buttigieg said the biden administration is working to get eletric vehicle prices down and expressing with enthusiasm, quote, we are starting to see on some models the cost even cost payment higher but gas payment will be lower and you come out ahead. quote, eletric cars remain much more costly than gasoline counterparts even when savings are factored in. don't forget with the biden administration, the pain is the point. days after pete buttigieg's comments tesla owners in texas reportedly receiving on screen alert asking them to avid charging their vehicles during peak hours due to the plaguing heat wave there. senator joni ernst weighed in with this. >> portray themselves as heros in a fairy tale writing to the
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rescue on an ev, we can all live happily ever after but the truth is, it ain't that easy being green. alex: white house economic adviser jared bernstein said on fox news sunday that the administration is still working on agreeing americans breathing room when it comes to gas prices and predicting that they will continue to inch lower. mike: alex, thanks very much. with inflation rising at record pace high prices at the pump are not the only surging cost weighing heavy on americans joining me now live to weigh in wealth management chief investment officer and fox business contributor scott martin, scott, welcome. >> fist bump to you by the way. mike: brand-new fox poll,
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condition of the economy, 17% excellent or good, 84% fair or poor, scott, what is your assessment? scott: terrible. is that on the list, mike, i tell you i'm surprised the 17% that actually think things are okay. the reality is is where the numbers are going and they are going down. as talked in the previous segment we are trying to claw back on mistakes whether in gas prices, general inflation, overseas policies and so forth and right now the administration is struggling to even get back to halfway to where we were and so you are going to see the polls continue to fall as some of the economic data, inflation numbers and sorts continue to get worse. mike: gasoline prices 4.53 a gallon today on average nationally. that's down from 5 bucks a month ago but up from 3.17 a year ago. what's the big picture impact on the u.s. economy? >> it's terrible. i mean, especially if you think about it on the consumer level but also think about it on the producer level. think about all of the costs as
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far as gasoline, diesel and delivering if you're a company out there and it's affecting everyone, i love the perspective, gas prices have fallen in the last two weeks and the administration is taking a huge victory lap on it or at least starting to warm up to take one yet if you look over the last year it's a bad situation. that's what they want to do. they want to do smoking mirrors, things are better in the last two weeks but if you look before that, it's terrible. they need a lot more improvement as far as getting the american people back to where they were. mike: not just fuel pump, notable price hicks, eggs up 33%, butter up 21%, milk up 16%, gasoline up 59%, airline fairs up 34%. what tools should the biden administration be using on these issues? scott: hopefully none, mike, because they've said they have done everything that they can and when they can't do anything, they say it's part of the plan. i want them to get out of the
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way. you have to let the free market adjust price accordingly and that's the case when government issues, when they get involved that's when things get skewed. the consumer price index is 9% to the high side as far as growth year over year but some of the price fixtures as far as fictions in the price that they are doing aren't working because the numbers that you show there shows things are getting out of stand than they are less. mike: folks that have looked at 401k, retirement accounts, noticed they've taken a beating, what is your advice for investors right now? >> well, everybody has a different kind of risk horizon and risk profile but the reality is we have been through markets like this before. i know it feels like it's different every timement we are investment advisers and we have seen markets like this and so forth the reality is that you have to check yourself on risk profile and realize this too shall pass. but at least as far as the markets go, they will rally to a
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head mike of say economic recovery because they always do, they preempt the recovery. i think the market recovery will come sooner than people think especially if the economy continues to languish here. mike: if the market is down right now, is there an opportunity for investors the buy value? scott: yes, depending on what you mean by value. i would buy growth because value is pretty well vis-a-vis growth component counterparts. the reality is looking at what has probably the best potential to go up from here, i believe it's growth stocks and things in technology. mike: scott martin looking sharp on a sunday, scott, thank you very much. >> ending on a bright spot, thank you, mike. mike: summer evening in florida turned tragic after one woman falling into a country club pawn. straight ahead. ♪ ♪ ♪
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scene. state wildlife officials hired and remains unclear whether these were the gaiters involved in the incident. this attack comes less than a man after south carolina man died when an 11-foot alligator dragged him into a retention pond in golfing community near myrtle beach and in late may a 47-year-old man died in apparent alligator attack in fresh water lake in largo, florida. investigators believe he had waited to retrieve stray freesbies and last year a trapper captured 7-foot alligator. experts say when gaiters are present it's good idea to keep 25-foot buffer between yourself and the water. >> you don't want to be right
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down at the water's edge and you don't wa to lou d swimming in the water because in the water it's going to look like an easy meal. >> although shttacks are extremely rare alligator attacks have been increasing over time. experts say the main reason is that human populations are simply moving into areas with many alligators and you're going to have more interactions between the two species, back to you. mike: interesting point. jonathan, live, jonathan, thanks very much. ♪ ♪ >> mike: we are learning new details on the shocking dead of former nascar driver bobby east, east murderer was shot and killed during california police during swat team raid. christina coleman live in los angeles with the latest, hi, christina. cia cruz it's unclear why the suspect in this case killed 3 time u.s. auto club champ bobby east.
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east. a swat team was there to execute a search warrant in the murder investigation of bobby east. no officers were injured in the incident. they identified milsap as transient and frequent motels in the area and hat outstanding parole warrant. police believe he stabbed bobby east in 76th gas station just south of los angeles, east was found on the ground suffering from a stab wound to his chest. his former pr manager and many others are now coming to terms with his tragic loss. >> i'm just flabbergasted to hear it and i'm just shocked and very, very sad. he was -- he was such a great guy to be around. i remember the first time i ever went to indianapolis 500i went with he and his family and had such a phenomenal time.
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christina: also the son of usac hall of fame car builder bob east. usac says bobby 3-winning performances in 2001 making him the usac rooky in quarter of century and had incredible breakthrough season in 2004 winning a number of events in the series calendar. >> he certainly was one of the very, you know, absolute most competitive race car drivers of his generation and -- >> christina: and as for the investigation into his murder police are working to pin down a motive and the orange county da's office and westminster police are investigating the shoot. mike: heartbreaking. christina, thanks a lot. jewelry reportedly worth
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$150 million stolen from brinks truck. high-end merchandise from 18 different jewelers was on its way to jewelry convention when the thieves struck. brink's is claiming to local outlet that the total value of the missing items is less than $10 million, still a lot of cash and they are working with law enforcement. we will bring you the latest from the the legal battle with elon musk and twitter. that's after the break. ♪ ♪ ♪ announcer: type 2 diabetes? discover the power of 3 in the ozempic® tri-zone. in my ozempic® tri-zone, i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. announcer: ozempic® provides powerful a1c reduction. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease.
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mike: as elon musk backs away from 44 billion-dollar deal to buy twitter, the tech giant is willing to take him to court joined by andrew who is an attorney based there in chicago. andrew, welcome. >> thank you. mike: let's look at the complaint, twitter versus elon musk, twitter writes, quote, public spectacle to put twit near play and having proposed and then signed a friendly merger agreement musk apparently beliefs that he unlike every other party subject to delaware contract law is free to change his mind, trash the company, disrupt its operations, destroy stock holder value and walk
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away. andrew, what do you make of twitter's argument? >> well, it's interesting. i think the entire case is going to come down to the issue of what percentage of twitter's users are the bots or fake accounts becauses if, indeed, 30%, 35%, then mr. musk is going to be able to walk away from that deal. i think at this point the only one who knows what that real number is is probably twitter and they will want to keep piece of data away from the public and really that's why there should be a settlement. this doesn't make sense for either party especially for twitter because if that information comes out and those bot numbers are as high as what mr. musk said privately, then they are in a world of trouble. mike: four days later twitter sue to force him to complete the deal. your legal advice come to some kind of settlement and what could that be? >> that's a great question. there's a billion dollar breakup
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fee and minimum musk will have to pay that. if he's a gambler he can go to trial and if it's higher then he can go sky free but i don't think he wants to do that. mike: did he make a mistack by saying he wanted to buy twitter or is he making a smart play here? >> it's so hard to say. i mean, who are we to second guess elon musk, the world's richest man but he has may have bitten off than what he can chew. a big part of the reason why he's backing out because the share price has cratered so much as well as tesla share price. interest rates have gone up. it's gotten much more expensive more mr. musk to close the deal. mike: let's talk about uber, the car-ride sharing company giant had 124,000 confidential documents leaked to the guardian newspaper, how damaging is that leak? >> devastating to the reputation.
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these documents have confirmed so much of what so many people have said that uber does in terms of sharp elbow topics. i think it opens up to criminal liability. this is devastating, internal e-mails, messages, documents that they have bracingly broken the law for years in multiple different countries, it's devastating to the reputation. the only question is whether there will be criminal liability. mike: files from 40 different countries spanning from 2013 to 2017. so uber's response, would that be that, hey, this is old news, 5 years ago or even more? >> yeah, that's it. look, all in the road to demascus, we have changed our way, we have seen the light. we have new management in place. i don't know if that's going to be enough because these documents are devastating to the company's reputation. mike: when you look at a leak like this one would imagine that the forensic search to see who leaked it and how they got their hands on all of this material
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might be quite an important endeavor for uber to secure their information going forward? >> absolutely, they have a clear hole in their ship with these sorts of documents having been leaked out and the only question is whether they can plug that hole and whether there is more similar documents like this to come out. for their sake, i hope there isn't. mike: so andrew, for a company like uber and for other big companies out there, does this tell you to compartmentalize who has access to information or somebody hacking in and getting access to the whole? >> yeah, lawyers are going to use as case study for destruction of documents on a timeline. you can't let the documents linger on the servers for too long. there wasn't an investigation. these were just leaked and i think it tells other corporate ceo's, cfo's, look, expunge the
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documents from your record. mike: pleasure speaking with you, sir. >> thank you. mike: that's all for fox news live, fox news sunday shannon bream, interviews with former republican senator and committee chairman rick scott, interesting conversation there and white house council economic advisers jerry bernstein, i'm mike emanuel, thank you so much for watching, it's been a pleasure. have a great week ahead.
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>> i am shannon bream. president biden back from his trip from the middle east in the leading exporter of oil. ♪♪ >> i'm doing all i can to increase the supply for the united states of america. >> the president asserting the overseas visit was all about reasserting his nest in the region but getting slammed with that fist bump with the saudi prince while america still faces high gas prices


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